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Choosing A Home Inspector

Home inspection is a relatively new profession and thus far is not regulated in most states. At present, anyone can claim to be a home inspector because licensing and certification are not commonly required. Therefore, buyers must exercise extreme care and cautious consideration before hiring just anyone. To begin, I would recommend the following criteria: […]

Upon Taking Ownership

After taking possession of a new home, there are some maintenance and safety issues that should be addressed immediately. The following checklist should help you undertake these improvements: -Change the locks on all exterior entrances, for improved security. -Check that all windows and doors are secure. Improve window hardware as necessary. Security rods can be […]

Regular Maintenance

Every Month -Check that fire extinguisher(s) are fully charged. Re-charge if necessary. -Examine heating/cooling air filters and replace or clean as necessary. -Inspect and clean humidifiers and electronic air cleaners. -If the house has hot water heating, bleed radiator valves. -Clean gutters and downspouts. Ensure that downspouts are secure, and that the discharge of the […]

Prevention is the Best Approach

Although we’ve heard it many times, nothing could be more true than the old cliché “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” Preventative maintenance is the best way to keep your house in great shape. It also reduces the risk of unexpected repairs and improves the odds of selling your house at […]